Category: December Daily

Starting My 2023 December Daily

It’s that time of year again folks. It’s time to get our December Daily journals ready for the beginning of December. Yikes, where does the time go? At least I had already decided on the theme of my December Daily this year, which is vintage Christmas. Before I put my Christmas crafting stuff away last year I sorted through everything and made a box with stuff I can use this year. Throughout the year, whenever I found something else I could use I just tossed it in the box. Earlier this week I sorted through the box and organized everything so it’s a little easier to find what I need.

Below is the video showing the very beginning of my December Daily 2023 journey. Enjoy!

‘Starting my 2023 December Daily.

Creating My 2023 December Daily Box

I know most people have just finished their December Dailies for 2022 and a lot of people are glad to get the holidays behind them. For the last several years I have put together a box of stuff to use for my upcoming December Daily. I do this for two reasons. First, all my Christmas crafting supplies are still out and easy to get to. Secondly, I am super busy during October and November because of the craft shows I do. Having a theme picked out and a box of stuff all ready to go really takes the pressure off when I decide to make my journal. The bonus of having a themed box is I have a place to stick all the fun ephemera and supplies I find during the year for my December Daily. 

I hope you found this video helpful and may even consider setting your theme and box up early!